Horse Transport
We provide domestic & international transport for all equines including polo ponies, competition horses, racehorses, youngstock and mares with foals at foot.
We offer shared or complete loads nationally and throughout Europe. We have an extensive network of stop over facilities throughout the continent to ensure horses optimal comfort.
We also provide a 24 hour emergency breakdown service.
We have a purpose-built fleet of horse boxes including a 2 horse 3.5 tonne box and three DEFRA type 2 approved horse boxes including a 12 horse transporter and two 17 horse transporters. Our lorries are built to the highest standard ensuring your horse has a safe and comfortable journey.
Features of these boxes include:
Full height stallion partitions.
Reinforced sealed aluminium floor.
Roof ventilation
Extra vented windows
24hr temperature monitoring
Sniffer boards
Drivers & Insurance
We are proud to offer a team of fully qualified professional drivers, all with a commitment to ensuring the horses welfare always comes first. Our drivers have years of experience in the handling and care of all ages and temperaments of horses, ponies and foals.
We operate a 100% legal policy, this means that we are registered with DEFRA, hold WATO competence certificates and are fully insured, including hire & reward, public liability and Care Custody & Control insurance.
Location & Facilities
We are conveniently located for Heathrow and Stansted airport and can provide a quarantine / holding facility for horses in transit at our own comprehensive yard.
Facilities include:
Travelling groom’s accommodation
Horse walker